Money Personality Test

Money Personality Test


For each of the 20 statements in the quiz, choose the answer that strikes you first as being closest to your attitude. There is no right answer. Just be as honest with yourself as you can.


1.If $20,000 came to me unexpectedly, my first impulse would be to:
2.When it comes to dealing with my money:
3.My primary financial objective is:
4.When it comes to budgeting my money
5.5. When it comes to spending:
6.When I think about financial record keeping:
7.When it comes to saving:
8.When it comes to borrowing:
9.When it comes to lending money:
10.As far as credit cards are concerned:
11.In the event of a financial emergency:
12.As far as paying taxes is concerned:
13.To feel totally satisfied with my annual income, I would need:
14.When it comes to investing:
15.When I really want to buy something that’s not in my budget:
16.When I think about money in general, to me it represents:
17.I would apply for a bank loan under these circumstances:
18.I worry about money:
19.When I think about providing for my future:
20.If I won a million dollars in the lottery, my first reaction would be: